Squid Facts with Dr. B

About Dr. B

Written by The Town Dock Squid Squad | Apr 2, 2021 3:03:00 PM

Brianna Hughes, Ph.D, is The Town Dock's Vice President of Operations, Supply Chain, & Quality. She received her doctorate in food science at the University of Maine, where she worked in the seafood lab. 

At The Town Dock, Brianna oversees the quality and consistency of all of our squid products. This includes working closely with the quality team and our partner fleet and local fisherman as they unload the Doryteuthis pealeii (our Rhode Island Calamari® and Retail Calamari lines) and Illex illecebrosus (our Premium Domestic Calamari) that is caught here in Rhode Island. She also oversees the sourcing of our our imported products (including Fully Cleaned Asian Calamari, Classic Calamari, and Calamari Steaks & Strips), ensuring the best product from around the world. 

Additionally, Brianna is part of our Product Development team, bringing her innovation experience to all things squid and seafood. 

Prior to joining The Town Dock in 2019, Brianna was a Senior Manager, Product Development at Ocean Spray Cranberries. 

Brianna lives in Rhode Island and spends her spare time beekeeping, gardening, and spending time with her Great Danes.