National Restaurant Association Show

Mark your calendars for May 18-21, 2024, as The Town Dock makes its presence known at the National Restaurant Association (NRA) Show in Chicago! You can find us sharing our squid knowledge and taste testing at Booth #7367. This event unites all facets of the restaurant and food service industry all under one roof. The NRA Show is the premier gathering for professionals in the food service industry.

The Town Dock will have industry experts on hand to discuss the best calamari options for your kitchen, highlighting the unique flavors and textures that calamari can bring to your menu. From tender calamari rings to crispy calamari strips, our team will showcase the versatility of calamari. From appetizers to main courses, the options are endless. Don't miss out on taste-testing our delicious recipes, experiencing firsthand how this seafood delicacy can elevate any restaurant menu. In addition, The Town Dock will be presenting our new seafood products. It's a phenomenal opportunity for us to demonstrate the endless possibilities that The Town Dock's seafood can bring to your culinary establishment.

Attendees at the National Restaurant Show will attend educational sessions with topics including technology and marketing strategies, operations solutions, and culinary insights. It's an unbelievable advantage to learn about the latest trends in the restaurant industry. It's not only a chance to stay ahead by keeping up with the top trends but also a unique opportunity to network and connect with influential industry leaders. If you're looking to enhance your menu and learn more about operations strategies, the National Restaurant Show offers incredible knowledge for all participants.

For restaurants, calamari has become increasingly popular over the recent years. It's common to find the delicious fried calamari on an appetizer menu, but there is more to calamari than this classic dish. Calamari can mask any flavorings, making it an easy and flavorsome protein to add to any recipe. The texture of calamari can also vary depending on how it's prepared, from tender and juicy to crispy and crunchy, ensuring there's a calamari option to please every palate. The next time you expand your menu, think beyond the traditionally fried calamari ring and explore what this seafood delicacy has to offer. 

Attending the NRA show is not just about showcasing your brand and products; it's about being open to opportunities to enhance your expertise and strengthen your business. This event provides a platform for food service professionals to immerse themselves in a world of culinary innovation, operational efficiency, and industry trends. Attendees can obtain a deeper understanding of the ever-changing restaurant landscape. The connections made at the show can lead to collaborations and partnerships in the future. Embracing these opportunities to expand your knowledge and create meaningful relationships is a great way to stay competitive and relevant in the food service industry.

Don't forget to visit The Town Dock at Booth #7367 to learn more about what calamari can do for your food service menu and of course, try our favorite calamari dishes!